Who is the Seatup-TR Limited Company

Our company Seatup TR Ltd. was founded in 1995 in Bursa city the third biggest city in Turkey and known as one of the main city for industrial Production in Turkey.

Our company functions as a Group company and we deal with 5 main areas..

  1. Furniture for public buildings. Read at
  2. Construction of stadiums and prefabricated buildings. Read at
  3. Industrial food processing Machines and agriculture. Read at
  4. Green Energy Solar power and bio gaz Read at
  5. Security cameras systems & alarms and army products


We also function as a consulting and execution company for large-scale construction and industrial projects, such as setting up factories for food processing and agriculture, with an emphasis on a turnkey project solutions from A to Z.

We are fully certificated by the Turkish law to deal with all the sectors which whom we are dealing with since 1995. In the future we may see ourself entering as well to the tourism sector and marketing of healthy food products.

What is our pride?

Our pride is in the products and machines that we produce 100% by ourselves only in Turkey, using only local materials from Turkey, while complying with the strictest European standards and quality. We employ more than 100 workers in the various factories we own and also employ the best engineers and researchers who help us in developing machines and new technologies.

What is our vision?

Our challenge is to find a modern solution for each project according to its needs and physical location. We are very active both in Turkey and globally, and therefore we focus on providing solutions for each project according to its own needs and according to its physical location and its limitations and challenges.

What is our mission?

One of the important challenges we have set ourselves as a company is to contribute and to improve the situation of Third World countries or developing countries in accordance with their needs and full attention to the benefit of the local population, with emphasis on providing tools for achieving self-sufficiency economic independence and at the same time to allow those countries to export their excellent food production and so to increase their economy and their exporting power.

A good example of this is the emphasis we put on the establishment of local food production and processing factories. These factories allow new jobs for the local population, thus contributing to the reduction of unemployment. However, food processing and production help to ensure the good of the state and the locals by accessing healthy and accessible food. As already have been said these factories are benefiting the local economy of the countries which whom they established in.

What is our ethical code and our believe?

We believe that God created us into different kinds of races and colors so we will meet each other and so we will get to know each other, and so we will  learn from each other,and so that we will cooperate with each other in order to make this world a better place for us and for the next generations on this earth.If you are sharing with us a part of this same believe so you are welcome to work with us and to join to thousands of customers all around to world who choosed to work with seatup TR Ltd company and be a part of our global family.


We'll do everything we can to make our next best project!